Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday! We've had a "different" sort of week here.  Caleb started throwing up Tuesday morning at 6 a.m.  We thought it was his allergies because he used to do this just about every night. He ate breakfast and went to school.  But they called me that he'd thrown up again before 8:30 so I picked him up.  He got sick several more times so I guess it was some sort of stomach bug instead of allergies.  I thought he was on the mend after he ate and seemed improved, but hours later he got sick again. I kept him home yesterday too because he got sick in the night again, but then he didn't get sick anymore after that.  He is back to school today.   I'm thankful he is feeling better! And I felt like God gave me extra strength to care for Caleb cause my husband was out of town for work.

~ my husband getting to come home and being able to talk to him while he was gone.

~ my boy feeling better and his normal regular health.

~ progress on the baby's room.  It is closer to being ready for the baby's arrival!

~ my is her birthday.  I'm thankful for all the things she's taught me and her love.

~ money to pay our bills.

~ the wonderful shower hosted by our church.  (I mentioned this yesterday.)  We feel so blessed and thankful for everything they did for us.

What are you thankful for today?

Have a day of blessings!


Tori Leslie said...

Love your Thankful list!
So glad your boy is feeling better, those stomach bugs are a real bummer.
Oh and happy birthday to your mom!!
Love baby showers, did you take photos? Okay, not you since you were busy opening cute stuff but someone else! HA!
Hope you have a great Friday and weekend!!

Marsha said...

I'm thankful for you, your faith, faithfulness, and your family. Love, hugs, and many prayers going out to you as you prepare for little one.