1. Did you watch The Oscars? How many of the Best Picture nominees have you seen? (American Sniper, Birdman, Boyhood, Selma, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Imitation Game, The Theory of Everything, and Whiplash)
Do you think actors should use their acceptance speeches as an opportunity to promote their political and/or social agenda? Does that sort of speech make you more or less inclined to change the channel?
Nope, I've never cared to watch them. I haven't seen any of these movies. If I was watching I would change the channel if an actor went on and on and on promoting their agenda in their acceptance speech.
2. Speaking of the movies... are you comfortable going to a movie alone? How about dinner in a restaurant (not fast food, but an actual restaurant)? The second half of this question was posed by Carrie who blogs over at It's Not Easy Being Queen. Thanks Carrie! I have not been to a movie alone, I don't think it would bother me much. I don't think I've eaten alone in an actual restaurant either. I have fast food. It wasn't so bad but I don't really like it.
3. What's the last home repair or home improvement project you had to pay someone to complete? In hindsight was this a project you could have done yourself? The only thing that comes to mind is mowing the lawn. We have paid someone to do this in the past. I usually do it as a little "treat" for my husband so he doesn't have to do it himself. We have a fairly large yard, and it is so much quicker when someone else comes to do it with 2-3 men.
4. Have you ever had Indian food? Like it or no? If you're a fan, what's your favorite dish? Have you ever prepared this yourself at home? Is there an Indian restaurant in your current hometown? No, I have not tried Indian food. I don't know if there is an Indian restaurant here or not actually.
5. A song that reminds you of your parents? I can't think of any. I know there are some that my Mom told me was "their song" when they dated. I remember them singing at church but nothing in particular stands out.
6. The 26th of February is National Tell A Fairy Tale Day. What's your favorite, or one of your favorite, fairy tales? Do you have any childhood memories associated with a particular fairy tale? I've always liked Beauty and the Beast. My cousin and I would sing the songs from the Disney video, so I always think of her and our being silly as we sang them when I hear those songs or think of that tale.
7. What's a problem you solved yesterday? Being tired from being awake off and on through the night so I took a nap. I have a runny nose (a cold I guess? It seems to be improved today) and couldn't get in a comfortable position and seemed to be awake more than normal.
8. Insert your own random thought here. We had 2 ice days this week. Today it was back to school for my boy. He had a fun time being at home. Yesterday he commented what a great day it was to be home and do whatever he wanted. He worked on a robot he got for Christmas and made things out of rubber bands part of the day. The ice melted away by afternoon. The forecast calls for colder temperatures and snow on Friday again.
Have a day of blessings!

Hope you get over your cold soon. Nice your son enjoyed his ice day from school, but won't it be wonderful to have spring finally get here!!
Thanks for dropping in on my Hodgepodge today! I enjoyed your answers. Hope the winter is about played out for you, there. It does start to get to you after awhile. I was born and raised in Ohio, but have been in Florida almost 26 years!
I remember how special snow days were for the girls. An unexpected day of fun.
I use to mow our lawn 25 years ago. I thought it was fun! Can't do it anymore. Stay safe and warm. Enjoy your weekend.
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