1. Time magazine has selected The Ebola Fighters as their person of the year for 2014. Do you agree, and if so who would you say is a close second? If you disagree with their choice, who do you think should have been chosen? Yes, I think it was nice they were chosen. They have given so much to help those with ebola. I don't know who I'd pick.
2. This question comes to you courtesy of Susan who blogs over at Stew Mama Says. She knows we have a wedding happening any minute now, and she asks, 'What's your favorite-something old? something new? something borrowed? something blue in your home? Be sure you hop over and say hi to Susan today!
Something old--a spoon that was my great grandmother's when she was a baby.
Something new--lots of wrapped Christmas gifts!
Something new--lots of wrapped Christmas gifts!
Something borrowed-- dishes to return to my Mom that she has sent with us filled with freezer meals.
Something blue--a blue bowl we got as a wedding gift.
3. Fudge-yay or nay? Your favorite flavor? Do you make it yourself? With nuts or without?
Yes, I enjoy fudge! I like plain chocolate and can't imagine what other flavors would taste like. I have made it but normally just eat my Mom's. She always makes it without nuts, so I'm not sure my preference on that!
4. December 17th is Wright Brothers Day, commemorating the first successful flights made by Orville and Wilbur Wright in 1903 in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. How old were you when you made your first flight? Do you like to fly? Have you ever been to Kitty Hawk or other parts of the North Carolina Outer Banks? I was in high school when I went on my first flight. I went to NYC with my high school choir two different times. I was so nervous about flying but enjoyed it as much as I remember. I haven't had other opportunities to fly but would like to again one day with Caleb. No, I've never been to North Carolina Outer Banks.
5. Do the people in your family tend to follow a particular career path, and if so what's the path? Not that I can see.
6. What is one thing you absolutely, positively must accomplish today? Well I've spent a good portion of the day wrapping gifts and that was what was on my to do list.
7. This Christmas I hope___________________________________.
we can find our stockings. haha When we decorated the tree we did not find the box with the stockings and they still have not turned up! (Kind of a funny answer to fill in this blank!!)
8. Insert your own random thought here.
This week has been more "normal" without parties and programs. Tuesday night we made Christmas treats. Caleb had told me earlier in the month he couldn't wait till we dipped stuff in chocolate. I had about decided we'd skip that this year, but when he said that I knew we should if he was looking forward to it! He was so excited about it last night and can do the whole process by himself now. We have peanuts, pretzels, and pb crackers. We shared some and kept some. My husband made another pan of magic cookie bars and some M&M cake bars to go with it too. It was a nice festive evening, listening to Christmas music as we worked.
Have a day of blessings!

Good answer for "something new," Christmas presents under the tree. I mean, why didn't I think of that. :o))
Sounds like some sweet memory making while making Christmas goodies. Our family use to make fudge when I was a child and we all took a spoon and dipped it into little clusters. I remember it like it was yesterday.
Christmas blessings!
I hope you find your stockings. My girls joke there is always a point in the decorating process each year where we all look around and say, 'We're missing a box...where is_______??" Merry Christmas to you and your family!
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