Friday, April 25, 2014

Wildwood Creek

I finally finished reading Wildwood Creek by Lisa Wingate. I've read several books by this author and have enjoyed her writing style and characters. I found for this one, though, that it took me a while to get into the book, and it seemed to move slowly for me.

I liked the idea of the story and thought the author took an interesting approach to telling two stories in this book.

The first story is set in present day when Allie Kirkland has a summer job on the production crew for a new tv series. She thinks this is a great opportunity in chasing her dream of following in her father's footsteps. Both she and her best friend Kim will be part of the cast/crew and spend the summer on the set of a pioneer community.

The other story is that of Bonnie Rose who was one of the characters being portrayed in the TV series. She has lived a hard life and comes to Wildwood Creek as a school teacher with her little sister. Strange things happen in Wildwood which leads to all sorts of legends about the disappearances and other mysterious events.

Allie feels a connection to the people of Wildwood Creek and feels it is important to honor them by figuring out the mystery of who they were and what happened to them. She feels her role is more important than just a summer job.

I found this book to have some unexpected turns. I must admit I felt confused during some of the book and didn't really like how it ended.  I guess I had questions about some of the characters and never had those resolved in the book.

I received this book as part of the author's influencer program. Thank you.

Have a day of blessings!

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