Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. April 22nd is Earth Day. Are you inspired by nature? In what way?  I am continuously amazed at the beauty of nature and the changing of seasons.  The colors of sunsets inspire me. 

2. Down to earth, four corners of the earth, move heaven and earth, not have an earthly chance, or salt of the earth...which earthly idiom have you most recently encountered? Explain.  Salt of the earth...  I saw a friend post on Facebook that for her 60th birthday she was asking her friends to do a random act of kindness and send her a message and tell her about it. Seeing "salt of the earth" made me think of this and how our simple acts of kindnesses can impact others around us.

3. Share one piece of advice you might give a newly engaged couple.  Have fun planning your wedding but remember the wedding event is one day.  During the months leading up to the wedding prepare for the lifetime commitment you are making to each other with premarital counseling, marriage books, talking with other married couples, etc.

4. When did you last engage someone to perform a job, task, service, home repair, or improvement? On a scale of 1-10 (ten being the best) how would you rate their work and/or your satisfaction with the job or service provided?  I can't remember any besides last summer when I got someone to mow as a treat for my husband. They did a good job, and I'd call them again. 

5. When did you last find yourself engaged in small talk? Are you awkward or an expert or somewhere in between?   Monday night we had our monthly "eating out night" with our church family. I'm probably somewhere in between awkward and expert, and it depends who it is with usually. 

6.  What was the last historic place you visited?  Historic place, hmmmm?  I guess the Lexington in Corpus Christi on a family vacation.  (Hubby had to remind me of that one, I was taking Alamo, but that was the summer before!) 

7. The world would be a better place if we just__________________________.
read the Bible and applied it to our lives. 

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 
My friend had a baby girl last week, so we took them supper last night. We enjoyed holding her new baby girl. 

Have a day of blessings!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a nice thought your friend had for her birthday! Exactly, the wedding is fun but it is just one day. I agree, if everyone applied the Bible to their lives it would awesome. Congratulations to your friend and her new baby.

Joyce said...

I'm struck so often by how practical the Bible is for daily living. Babies are the best : )