Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. How did you ring in the new year?
At home.  We have a tradition to eat pigs in a blanket and cheese dip.  Then a while later we make fruit slushies (Caleb used to call them funny drinks). 

2. What is one thing you are looking forward to in 2013?
My sister-in-law is due with her second baby in May. 

3. Steven Spielberg is quoted as saying, "All of us every single year, we're a different person. I don't think we're the same person all our lives." What say you? Yes, I believe we do grow and change each year.  I think we all learn from the things that happen.    

4. The Pantone color of the year for 2013 is emerald green. Like or dislike? Do you already own something this color? Will you add something in this shade to your home or wardrobe in 2013? I don't have anything this color and wouldn't add anything this color because it is the color of the year.  I did not even know there was a color chosen for the  year!

5. Speaking of emerald...what's your favorite gemstoneI guess I am partial to amethyst since that is my birthstone. 

6. Share a favorite book or movie from 2012.  I read so many books and don't watch very many movies.  Looking back through my list of books I read one of my favorite nonfiction books was Six Ways to Keep the "Good" in Your Boy by Dannah Gresh.  I loved both of the fiction ones I read by Marybeth Whalen The Guest Book and She Makes It Look Easy

7. What is something you want to tell yourself at the start of this brand new year?  Trust God and His timing. Life is short and we never know how long we have with the people we love. 

8. Insert your own random thought here.  My Meemaw died yesterday unexpectedly.  Such a hard way to start a new year. 

Have a day of blessings!


retired not tired said...

Sorry to hear about Meemaw! Are you an Aquarius or a Pisces?

sister sheri said...

Sorry about your meemaw! Praying that you sense God's comfort.

Madonna said...

I was like you and didn't even know there was a color of the year. I had to google it :). I love your answer to number 7. Learned this one to well sadly this past year. I am a reader also but just drew a blank on what books I had read last year. Once again I am so sorry about your Meemaw.