Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

We have had a busy week around here as we are preparing for our boy's birthday weekend!  He will be turning 8 on Sunday.  He had a "pre-party" last weekend with my cousin and aunt and tonight has a party with church friends.  Friday will be our family day and Saturday is another party with family.  Then Sunday is the "real" birthday! 

Today I am thankful for...
~ my husband taking care of things for me.  We had a tire problem on my car, and he took it and got it repaired.  I'm thankful for him doing things like this for me.  

~ being Mom to a wonderful boy!  He is such a blessing every day, and I can't believe he is 7 for only a few more days!

~ protection.  Sunday when we were coming home from church we were stopped at a yield sign.  My husband started to proceed and then looked again and a red car came zooming out of nowhere off the interstate. It would not have been good with the high rate of speed the other car was driving. 

~ seeing a beautiful sunset.  We stopped on our way home to look at the beautiful colors of the sky.

~ the things that I can so easily take for granted that I have, clothes, air conditioning, food, clean water, air to breathe, health.  The list goes on and on!

What are you thankful for today?  I can't believe it is August either and how fast our summer has passed. 

Have a day of blessings!


Joan Davis (Jo) said...

What a great list of blessings! I hope you and your family have a wonderful birthday weekend with your boy!

Kathleen said...

What a lot of great thanks! It's amazing how fast kids grow. Enjoy every second :)