Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Thankful Thursday

We are over at Grace Alone this week for Thankful Thursday. 

I have had such a nice week!  I am tired, but it has been good.  Our school librarian is out of town for a librarian's conference so I have gotten to be the librarian this week.  I have enjoyed it so much.  I have read to the classes, checked in their books, and shelved all the ones that were returned.  Friday we will set up for the book fair that is happening next week.  That should be fun too! 

This week I am thankful for...
~ my husband running to the store for ice cream so I could have a hot fudge sundae.

~ having lunch with my sweet boy one day while I was at school.  I like seeing him while I'm there.  He made me laugh Tuesday morning as we were getting things ready to leave...he told me, "Come on, there's no time to lose, today you are starting your new career."  I don't know if a week in the library makes it a career, but I thought it was cute!  Also, we got to see him honored at our school board meeting this week with other 1st and 2nd graders for meeting reading goals.

~ sitting outside on the back porch with my boys in the nice evening breeze as we did our Wednesday lesson this week. 

~  the fun I am having in the library and being able to do this to help the librarian.  Things have been busy at home since some things I normally do in the day I am not here to do.  But my husband has been helpful and we've done what we can.  I haven't been worried about it either.  I can catch up this weekend or next week!

~ being reminded of the importance of thankfulness. I may write a separate blog post about this.  I have been thinking a lot about thankfulness and why I do this Thankful Thursday post each week.  It is so important to be thankful each day. 

Have a day of blessings!


jhunnelle said...

I love ice cream, I've been craving for an ice cream, few days ago my husband surprised me with one.

Enjoyed reading your list.

Have a blessed day!

Denise said...

Nice blessings. I am sure you make a great librarian.