Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I always enjoy pausing to think about so many things in my life for which I am thankful.  I seem to notice even more blessings when I am in the mindset of being thankful. 
This week I am thankful for...
~ my husband having a job and providing for our family.  I continue to pray for him as he faces stress at work and deals with a variety of issues, something new all the time it seems. 

~ my sweet boy giving me hugs at school when he saw me.  I was volunteering with picture day and had stopped to eat lunch.  I got to eat part of the time with his class but then they had to leave so I moved to another table.  He stepped out of line and hugged me as he went by.  Then he did that again later in the hall when he saw me.  Definitely made me smile!

~  supper in the crock pot!  I love having our meal ready when it is time to eat as well as smelling it as it cooks.

~ Sonic happy hour.  Probably go there too often!  I'm glad our little town has a Sonic as well. 

~ things I'm learning from the book I started reading Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst. I just started reading and can tell I will learn a lot from this book. 

You can join us today for Thankful Thursday over at Women Taking a Stand!  Also, I will be hosting a book giveaway tomorrow so be sure to stop back by then to enter.  The book is an amazing true story that is such a blessing to read!  Come back then to see what it is!   

Have a day of blessings!

1 comment:

Denise said...

I love your blessings.