Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Today for Thankful Thursday, I am so thankful for so many things.

~ my husband having days off from work.  I'm glad we get to spend some times over the holidays with both my boys at home for a few days. 

~ my sweet boy's laughter as he watches "Tom and Jerry" episodes.  It is such a delightful sound!  It makes us all smile and laugh to hear him laughing!   

~ our Christmas vacation.  I so enjoyed having a stay home day on Monday in our pajamas and then Tuesday having my helper boy with me as I ran errands.

~ yummy Christmas treats.  There are so many good ones!  I couldn't pick a favorite I don't think.  I love that there are traditional things I know my Mom will make each year!  Plus she likes to make whatever we may ask for special too (like the cheese ball my husband asked for this year).

~ and today is a special day in my heart.  This day in 2005 was also a Thursday.  In the morning we'd driven to the hospital to put up a few Christmas decorations in Peepaw's hospital room, including a tabletop Christmas tree.  He passed away later that evening.  I miss him so much, his hugs and phone calls.  This year I'm so thankful for the memories I have of him and all the things we did together.  We plan to take a mini Christmas tree to sit at his graveside as has been our tradition each year now that he is no longer with us. 

Merry Christmas to you and your family!  I hope you are enjoying this festive season, making special memories with those you love, and realizing the love of the Savior who come as a little Baby for each of us.
Have a day of blessings!


Ms. Kathleen said...

God Bless you during this time of year. We lost a baby in 1990- in May. I often wonder what she would be like now. A Christmas tree seems so perfect for her now although I know she is celebrating in Heaven with her grandpas. This was such a sweet post of thankfulness. Merry Christmas :)

Girl Schmuck said...

We have Thankful Thursday on our Christian Journaling group on Yahoo. I would encourage you to come check us out. Glad you have great memories of PeePaw.
The sound of childrens laughter is the best. Tom and Jerry are good too. Mine are watching Bug Bunny this morning. Have a great Holiday with Hubby home.
Amy in Florida

Denise said...

Sweet, sweet post.

Debbie Petras said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family! You are such a special person and you are so kind to others. I will never forget your kindness to my mother-in-law. Bless you.
