Sunday, June 12, 2011

'Tis So Sweet...

{Warning:  This may be longer than most posts as I share some of the story of our move and the circumstances related to that.}

Last night I was thinking that today marks the one year anniversary that we signed the papers on our old house.  Just 10 days after we put our house on the market we received an offer which surprised us to say the least.  After the offer and counteroffer, we signed the papers for the sell. 

I remember feeling totally at peace as we walked out of the Realtor's office that day.  It was an odd feeling in those circumstances of not knowing what was coming, yet being filled with the peace I knew could only be from God.  Looking back I cannot believe all that has happened since that day.  We didn't know, but we prayed, had faith, and trusted somehow God would work it all out. 

Things did not go at all as we planned when we put our house on the market.  We knew of some assistant positions that would be opening in the agency for which my husband works.  We did not know when they were opening, but we knew he wanted to apply for one of these.  We put the house on the market thinking we'd see if it would sell and really thought it'd take months to actually sell it.  We knew the house would have to sell if we were to move and we didn't want to live in separate cities.  But none of that happened as we thought.  Our house sold in 10 days and the assistant positions did not open.

Sometimes I'd have those thoughts of what if they don't open the new positions or what if he does not get one of them. I had plenty of times of doubts and frustrations when I couldn't see how everything would turn out.  We knew we couldn't see the full picture and had the "back up plan" in mind that he would just keep working where he was and if we were staying in that area find a new house eventually.

Since we didn't know what was going to happen, we moved to a temporary duplex which was amazing in itself.  We had looked and looked for a place to live and came to closed door after closed door.  The duplex ended up being near our old house and with a landlady who listened to our situation and expectations that we wouldn't be there for very long.  We still thought that the agency would announce the assistant positions, my husband could apply, and we would still get to move. 

However, all of that changed on July 29 when we found out of the tragic death of my husband's coworker M.    The coworker was the director whom my husband hoped to work with in one of his offices as an assistant. I remember the heartbreak I felt when my husband called with the news. It was so hard to understand, and we still have so many questions and grieve over this painful loss. 

So it ended up that my husband instead of being in an assistand position as we originally thought is now the director.

None of it happened as we thought it would.   Now today a year later we are here in a different city in our new house and my husband has a new job.  My mind has trouble processing all this sometimes.  Even though I never knew M, only the stories my husband shared from their work-related experiences, I now think of him and his wife every day.      

Last year we trusted that God had a reason for our house to sell so quickly, but never could have imagined it would be under these circumstances.  As for the assistant positions, it is weird to see that now at the beginning of this summer those positions were announced and opened. 

Today in church we sang the song 'Tis So Sweet To Trust in Jesus.   It made me smile as we sang the lyrics.  The past year we learned more about trusting Him.  I'm thankful that He has taught us we can count on Him and trust Him, even during the times when we can't see or have a clue.   

Have a day of blessings!


Charlotte said...

Thank you for sharing this testimony of God's faithfulness. We used to sing that song in church often, but we haven't sung it in years now. It's a good song.

Debbie Petras said...

You are such a good example of one who places her trust in the Lord. It is sad about your husband's co-worker though. But God knew in advance all that would happen. He had a plan for your family. In the midst of a terrible real estate market and economy, He has blessed you. So much to be thankful for Bethany!

Blessings and love,

Denise said...

Amen sweet sis, amen.

Pamela said...

"Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father, morning by morning, new mercies we see." I love this story and how you followed God in faith. What an encouragement you can be to others facing similar circumstances.
