Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine Vase images

Happy Valentine's Day to you! I hope you have a wonderful day and feel loved.

My day has started off with hugs and smiles. My sweet Caleb was excited to give me the card he made me. One evening he asked me "Can you go do your Bible or something? I want to make your Valentine." So I left the room and he sat at the table with Daddy with his art supplies. He made me the sweetest card and wrote some sentences that he made up himself. It just touched my heart!

And my other Valentine made us cinnamon toast for breakfast with a heart shaped cookie cutter.

I'm looking forward to the fun of the day with lunch with my hubby and a school party this afternoon.

Have a day of blessings!


Loren said...

What sweet sweet boys you have! I miss going to Valentines Parties soo much! Cherish them....

Happy Valentines day my friend!

Denise said...

Love to you sweet friend.

~ Bonnie ~ said...

What special Valentines you ALL have!

susansspace said...

How very sweet of your 'boys'!
Hope your whole day has been just as special!
S: )

Kristi said...

Sounds like the perfect day.