Friday, February 11, 2011

Flashback Friday

For this week's Flashback Friday we are remembering Valentine's Day! This will be an easy, fun one for me!

My flashback:
Valentine's Day was always a fun holiday for me.

I always looked forward to choosing my box of Valentine cards to give to my classmates. They were little cards that had a cartoon on the front and a silly little saying with a blank back where you wrote the name of the recipient. Then you put the little card into a little white envelope. They don't even have the little envelopes any more that I've seen since buying them for Caleb! I loved choosing a card from my box for each person, finding the one I thought the person would like because of the saying or picture on it.

We always had a Valentine's party at school. I don't remember much about them, but I remember one year we decorated little pouches with two paper plates stapled together to collect our cards.

In middle school the NJHS (National Junior Honor Society) sold singing telegrams for a fund raiser. We had fun little songs that we would sing like "Skidda Marinky Rinka Dink" (or however you spell it!).

I do have another Valentine's memory that is kind of funny for me. Several years there was this boy who would give me a big chocolate candy heart. He would leave it in my locker. It was always so awkward for me because I did not want to be his girlfriend but he always had a note asking me if I would be. I don't remember how many years he did this, but it was several!

My Dad would give me a Valentine. It was usually some candy and heart stickers. One year I got a little pointed stick thingy (I don't know what it's called!) to sit on my desk to use when I was playing office or store to poke my receipts on. The metal base of it was bright red.

Also, Peepaw always gave me a Valentine. I remember him bringing me a box with a chocolate I Heart U. At Caleb's first Valentine Peepaw gave me some flowers and a little box of chocolates to Caleb.

And now I love Valentine's Day because in 1998 a cute boy gave me a card he made on February 13 that said Will you be my Valentine? And I still have that same Valentine today.
As for Valentine candy, I never liked boxes of chocolate because I didn't like the surprise factor of not knowing if I was going to like what I was biting into. I do like conversation hearts...the Sweet Tart kind, not those chalky ones as much.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Have a day of blessings!


Nel said...

What fun memories! I had forgotten all about the holder made out of paper plates. I had a remedy for the surprise factor. I liked the ones with nuts in them. I would take a straight pin with a small head and poke it in the candy from the bottom if there was a nut of course you could tell. But you could also tell when you pulled it out what filling was in there. The hole was so small no one ever noticed for years. But needless to say my momma was not very happy with me when she caught me in the act. lol. But it worked!
until next time... nel

Kathy said...

I enjoyed reading your Valentine's Day memories. I'd forgotten about the paper plates stapled together! Those make cute card holders, too!

I'm glad to know that I am not the only one who misses having envelopes for the valentines :)

Have a great weekend!

Denise said...

Sweet memories.

Barbara H. said...

I remember making a Valentine's receptacle out of paper plates one year, too.

It's kind of nice that the kids' Valentines don't have envelopes any more -- saves time and waste.

I don't like the mixed chocolates in boxes, either, because I don't like many of them. But if they're all of a kind that I like, that's fine. :-)

Mocha with Linda said...

Another special February 13 memory!

It was fun reading this.