Friday, January 7, 2011

Flashback Friday: Discipline Part 1

This week for Flashback Friday Linda has asked us to share about discipline.

My flashback:
I had a couple of memories as soon as I read the topic for this week. (And I'm sure one of these will come to mind for my Mom too when she reads this!)

As a child I received spankings for misbehavior. My parents told me they wanted me to learn and gave me the spanking so I'd remember the next time. I remember trying to think in my head how long I had gone without getting a spanking.

One night I got out of bed and went to the living room when my parents were still up. I am not sure why, I guess I wanted to see what they were doing. I remember my Mom sitting in her chair crocheting. I got ouf of bed multiple times. After a few times Mom said if you get up again you will be grounded from watching Little House tomorrow. Well for some reason, I got up again! And the next day I could not watch Little House. "Little House on the Prairie" was my very favorite show that I watched daily. I don't remember any other time I was grounded.

Another time I remember the neighbors asking if I could come ride horses or maybe 4-Wheelers. I was told I couldn't. I don't remember details but I guess I went because I remember getting a spanking for that.

Have a day of blessings!

1 comment:

Mocha with Linda said...

Grounded from watching Little House! What a tragedy! :-)

Enjoyed reading this!