Friday, October 1, 2010

Flashback Friday

The topic for this week's Flashback Friday is childhood play/toys.
My Flashback:
I remember spending a lot of time outside. I had a swing set and tree house. My Dad also made me a basketball goal too, and it had a tether ball attached to it for many years. I also rode my bike up and down our long driveway. We had a sidewalk leading up to the front porch, and I played the "rolling ball game" with my cousin. We would pick a theme and as we rolled a ball back and forth to each other we would say something in that theme (like the theme might be cartoon characters, fruits, things that start with B, etc.)
I entertained myself a lot with pretending. I am an only child and did not have neighbor kids my age at the time. I played school in my room. I had a chalkboard and old teacher manuals that I used as well plus a grade book. I also played "officer" with my cousin (that was what she called it when she was not very old). We would set up at my desk and with a tray table for her. We'd have pretend phones and pretend customers. Sometimes we were a bank, sometimes a vet clinic. My aunt used to work at a bank so she would give me deposit slips to use. Another thing I did was play like my bedroom window was a drive-thru restaurant. I had a big old cash register and would pretend to take the orders and pass out the food to my "customers."
As far as toys from my childhood, I had a lot of Barbies. I got the collection that belonged to my Mom and aunt. Some of those Barbies were really old! (Bet they'll love to read that!) Besides the Barbies I got an airplane and motor home from them. One time another aunt made me a bunch of clothes for the Barbies. I had a bunch of other Barbie stuff too...a McDonald's, horse, four wheeler, bedroom, and beauty shop that I remember. I had multiple boxes filled with Barbies and clothes.
I also had Cabbage Patch dolls. I won a set of twin dolls one time...a newborn boy and girl. The boy was named Peter Jules. I don't remember the girls name. I had another Cabbage Patch later on that had red hair.
Other toys I remember include a Rainbow Brite doll and My Little Ponies. I had little plastic members of the Get Along Gang. I had a bunch of books on tape about these characters and got the little characters one year. (These are still in a box at my Mom's house, and Caleb has played with them.) Something funny about this is that I never had the red caboose they lived in. My husband had the caboose and not the characters.
Other toys I remember that were popular in my childhood were Pound Puppies and Care Bears.
Have a day of blessings!


Mocha with Linda said...

I always wanted a tree house. And a swingset!

Loved playing school. And I'd forgotten about playing office until I read yours. We had a couple of old account pads with the carbons that my dad brought home (recycling before it was cool!)

Nel said...

What good memories. You had a lot of the same toys my daughter had. She had barbies galore, I think I kinda overdid it on her, but I only had two and no Ken. That just wasn't right! lolol
until next time... nel

Denise said...

Such a fun post.