Friday, September 10, 2010

Flashback Friday: TV

For this week's Flashback Friday we are talking about TV!
My flashback:
We had one TV in our house in the living room. I never had one in my bedroom.
My favorite show of all time was "Little House on the Prairie." I used to pretend I was the girls. Remember the introduction where Mary and Laura go running down the hill with the music playing in the background? I'd try to mimic them. I have a funny story about this show too. One night I kept getting up out of bed, I don't know why. My Mom had told me not to get up anymore and if I did I couldn't watch "Little House." Well I got up again and the next day I didn't get to watch it! It makes me laugh to think of that now!
Another favorite was "The Price Is Right." I liked to pretend I was a contestant on that show. We watched "Wheel of Fortune" sometimes too.
On Friday nights I watched "Full House," "Family Matters," and "Step by Step." On Saturdays I liked to sleep late but get up to watch "Saved by the Bell." I imagined the characters as kids from my school. Then Saturday nights I loved to watch "Dr. Quin Medicine Woman."

Have a day of blessings!


Mocha with Linda said...

I liked Dr. Quinn also, but I was grown! :-)

heididh33 said...

Ahhh TGIF nights! Love it!! :)

Denise said...

Fun post.