Friday, August 13, 2010

Flashback Friday: Back to School

Today we have a back to school theme for Flashback Friday. This is another great topic Linda has chosen for us!

My Flashback:
All of my life I absolutely loved school. I always looked forward to school starting and getting my school supplies was always such fun. It made me excited to see the stores putting out their rows of school supplies. I remember when the school where my Mom worked starting offering supply packs. The first couple of years they bought them and put the packs together themselves. So I would go with Mom to Walmart and we would have carts and carts of school supplies! It is a funny memory to think about! So many people have a bad attitude about shopping for supplies. I noticed this back then and now when I take Caleb. They gripe and complain about what they have to find. To me it is a fun time to look and pick out the things together.

For back to school we would always go shopping for school supplies. I always had a special outfit for the first day too. I liked to get a new backpack and new lunch box. I really did not take my lunch that often. I remember a plastic pink Minnie Mouse box with a thermos. I asked Caleb if he wanted a new backpack and lunch box for first grade. He said he would just use the ones he had. They are both in good shape so I guess that is fine, I just expected him to say he'd want a new one (I guess cause I always wanted a new one!).

Something that was always so exciting was to go by the school building and see if they had posted the lists of classes yet. I am excited this year to go look at the window next Thursday and find out who Caleb's teacher will be for first grade!
When I went to kindergarten, the teacher asked how I was getting home and I told her riding the bus. I was so excited to get to ride the bus home. I went to kindergarten all day but only every other day. It is weird to think of that now! For example, one class went Monday/Wednesday/Friday the first half of the year and then at Christmas switched with the other class to Tuesday/Thursday.

I love the "back to school" time of year now and like to share that excitement with Caleb.
Have a day of blessings!


Mocha with Linda said...

I lived vicariously through my kids' elementary school supply days! LOL
And what really gets me "in trouble" is once September hits and the office supply stores mark their supplies waaaay down!

Denise said...

Nice memories.