Wednesday, June 2, 2010

To my sweet Caleb as you finish kindergarten

I wrote to Caleb at the beginning of kindergarten so I thought I'd write to him at the end of kindergarten too!


Back on August 24, 2009, we started a new chapter of your life together as you began kindergarten. Now that first year of school is already coming to a close. Today is your last day of school and it's time for summer "veecation" as you say it!

My heart is bursting with happiness and pride for the wonderful boy you are. I prayed for many things for you the year before you went to school. One of those things was for it to be a smooth transition for you. It has been. I didn't know what it would be like for you after being at home with me for five years. But you did great! You have been a confident, happy boy. It makes my heart happy that you are so confident as you get out of the car each morning and head off into your day. I love that you will blow me a kiss or tell me have a good day or give the teacher at the door a greeting some mornings as you go inside.

Academically you are doing so well and have grown so much. It has been exciting and amazing for me to see your progress in your reading through the past few months. I love hearing you read and sound out new words and recognize more and more all the time.

I knew sending you to school that you would be exposed to things that we had protected you from for your first five years. I prayed that you would make good choices about your friends and be a good example and light to those around you. You have done that. You still give me that special look we share whenever you hear something you know Mommy doesn't like or a word we don't say. You share things with me about your day, and it is my prayer now that you will always do that.

I prayed that you would obey whoever you were with and you have done that too. I remember the first few weeks of school I'd check your folder first thing every day to see if you had a "color change." I haven't seen anything but green all year!

Last week you got the "pleasant & friendly" award at the awards program. That made me smile too!

I am looking forward to summer with pantry days, HEB trips, library summer reading program, stay home days, and just having fun as you say.

I'm so thankful for the year you have had in kindergarten. Daddy and I are so proud of you!

Love, Mommy

Have a day of blessings!


Denise said...

This is so sweet, you are a wonderful mom my friend.

Mocha with Linda said...

That is a precious letter to your boy. Savor these times. They pass in a blink!

sister sheri said...

What a memorable week for you! How great to journal it here!

Gramma said...

Gramma is SO proud of Caleb, Mommy AND Daddy! Such a precious family!

Kristi said...

Oh, I love this! Have a wonderful summer together.

Amanda said...

Sounds like you have a very special young man on your hands! Good job mom!
