Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Song: "Always Enough" by Casting Crowns

I wanted to share "Always Enough" by Casting Crowns for this week's song. If you go to the Casting Crowns site, you can read the story behind this song by clicking on the song title. They shared this story at the concert when we saw them last year.

I was reminded by a blog friend last week that God always provides enough. I loved what she wrote in an email "Enough manna for one day at a time. Enough grace for one day at a time." He truly is "Always Enough." Whatever you need today from Him, know that He is enough.

Have a day of blessings!


Denise said...

Amen, always enough.

sister sheri said...

So glad to call you--friend!

Wonderful song... powerful story behind it... thanks for sharing it.