Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Thankful Thursday: Change

Thank you to Lynn for hosting Thankful Thursday this month. Hope you will join us! This week's theme is change.
Sometimes I think to myself how glad I am that things don't always stay the same. I think we all need the changes and variety to keep things interesting as we go about our daily lives. Many people say they don't do well with change. I like to think that God uses changes to help us grow and be more like Him. It is all part of the process of being closer in our walk with Him. We can't stay the same and expect to have a better relationship with Him. We have to change and grow. Yes, change hurts sometimes because we like to stay in our little comfort zones. But looking back you can see how beneficial the change was for you or your family and that God had a plan. I'm thankful for seasons of change and how God uses them in my life to teach me lessons.
I'm thankful for....
~ my husband's improvement in his sleep apnea since his tonsillectomy in July. He went back for a sleep study a couple weeks ago and this week went to the doctor for a follow-up. We prayed he wouldn't have to use the CPAP anymore and he doesn't. The surgery made a drastic difference for him.
~ my sweet son being nominated again! He told me this week it was because the other kids were talking in lunch and he was being quiet. I am proud of his good behavior!

~ fun memories we make each year going to the Light the Night Walk in memory of Peepaw.
~ laughing at funny things that happen. We have frogs all over our yard. They are tiny little things. I went to the mailbox this week and one hopped in the house! Thankfully I saw it and watched it (without even screaming or squealing!) and got it outside with the help of a plastic cup!
~ finding my lost cell phone. When I was going home Wednesday I realized I didn't have it with me. I told Caleb we better pray it's still at the library and if someone finds it they turn it in. They had it at the front desk when we arrived. I was so thankful!

Thank you for coming by today!

Have a day of blessings!


Debbie said...

This was a great list of blessings. I fight change. I have my whole life. Fear of the unknown, I guess, or not very adventurous, haha. But I have found the older and older I get, the better and better I have gotten with this. Blessings to you, Debbie

Pia said...

those are wonderful blessings from our Lord!

change is always good, but we just don't see it's goodness while we're at it. if we put our trust in the Lord, we can be sure that we will emerge victorious.

God bless!

Debbie Petras said...

I had to smile at how you've been teaching Caleb through example. How awesome is that?

Glad to hear about your husband's improvement with the sleep apnea.

I have to agree about change but I tend to cling to my comfort zone in my natural self. But the Lord is teaching me through change that He is able to keep me and teach me through it all.

Thank you for continuing to pray for my sister's eye. She has an appointment on Friday with the surgeon and she is hoping for a better report as she's not been able to work or drive. The eyesight is not back yet but she sees shadows. I'll update you though.

I love to read your thankful Thursday posts but you always seem thankful every day.

Love you,

Melanie said...

Love your list of blessings, Bethany! They are all such precious gifts from God.

Happy Thankful Thursday!

Mary said...

We have so much to be thankful for. I'm glad you were able to retrieve your cell phone.


Bonnie said...

What an awesome blessing for your husband to be able to ditch the CPAP. Mine would have to have major surgery and all sorts of problems from it so... the CPAP stays. What an amazing thing to be able to give it up!! Praise God!!!! Blessings.

susansspace said...

Ouch! Don't we all enjoy our little 'comfort zones'? Sometimes we miss out on blessings God has for us when we fight changes that ultimately work for our good.
What a great praise report that your hubby no longer needs the CPAP! I know you had been praying that would be the outcome. God is so good!

Denise said...

Such wonderful blessings.

Unknown said...

Hi Bethany,

Girl... God uses changes to help us grow and be more like Him.

Amen... Amen... I love you my friend. BIG hugs.

i said...

Great blessings! Glad to hear your husband is doing well. Remain blessed!