Monday, September 28, 2009

Book review: God Made Your Body by Jim Burns

A new series called Pure Foundations is being released by Bethany House Publishers. One of the books is God Made Your Body, which is said to be for children ages 3-5.

I totally agree with the author that as parents we need to provide “values-centered sex education at home.” This is important and maybe never more important than it is now with all the conflicting information our children will hear in the world. This book is to be used by parents as a way to introduce children to the idea that God created their body and begin laying the foundation of the basics of sexuality. According to the book, one of the goals of this series is to help the child develop trust in their parents so they will want to talk about these issues when they’re older.

There were some things I really liked about this book. I enjoyed the photographs in this book. A variety of children and families were used as well as some diagrams. I liked that questions were asked related to the text, like “What are you good at doing?” These type questions help engage the children in the text they are hearing.

What I didn’t like was some of the word choice used by this author. As it begins talking about babies, it says how “mommy and daddy come together in a special way called making love.” I don’t really think this is necessary to share with 3-5 year olds. My philosophy has been to not give more information than is needed. There is no point in my opinion to overwhelm a child with terms and phrases, especially at this preschool age.

I will say you will have to decide for yourself if you think this book will be appropriate for your family and children. The post above this one is for the next book in this series.

Have a day of blessings!

1 comment:

Denise said...

Another good review sweetie.