Sunday, August 30, 2009

Proverbs & Prayers: Week #35

Here is the new verse for this coming week. It is Proverbs 19:17--

"He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done."

Please pray with me about the following requests and also let me know if I can pray for YOU.

~ Orion and family. He was dismissed from the hospital but had to be readmitted the next day because he wasn't able to swallow. Surgery is scheduled for Sept. 8 for a feeding tube in his stomach (as I understand it). Pray for his parents as they are there with him mostly 24/7 and for his sister, brother and other family members as they are going through this hard time.

~ Elizabeth. Recently had another brain surgery and will begin radiation soon.

~ Kate and Clayton, both of these children also have brain tumors.

Adding a couple more:
~ family who lost a baby recently, you can read that prayer request here.

~ Rachel and her family. This is Kristi's daughter. Go leave them some encouragement and also she has a button you can put on your blog.

Hope the end of August and beginning of September go well for you this week!


Denise said...

Thanks for the update on Orion, praying for all of these dear ones.

Joanne@ Blessed... said...

I hope I'm not repeating myself...I wanted to let you know you are one of my Blessed...blogs of the month. Make sure to stop by tomorrow.
