Sunday, August 16, 2009

Proverbs & Prayers: Week #33

I thought the verse for last week was a really good one. It was another one related to the importance of guarding our tongues and watching what we say. This week's verse is Proverbs 17:27--

"A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even-tempered."

Do you have any prayer requests this week that you would like to share?

This week please remember the following requests:

~ Lorraine (Marsha's friend)

~ College students heading to college. I've heard some moms talking about going with children to get settled at college.

~ Teachers back at school. Let's remember the teachers who are getting ready for a new year.

~ I read on another blog a request for a family who just lost their newborn daughter, Reese. The mother is Katie.

Hope you have a good week! I plan posts this week for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.


susansspace said...

I saw your prayer request for the young mom who just lost her newborn daughter, & have added Katie to my prayer list.
What a sweet spirit she has even in the face of such a tremendous loss. I just wept when I saw the precious pictures of her daughter, Reese!
Please continue to keep Clayton on your list (the 5 1/2 yr.old w/brain cancer).

Melanie said...

What wise words come from the book of Proverbs!!

Have a great week!

LisaShaw said...

Standing in prayer with you and everyone else.

Thanks for sharing and Blessings dear one.

Denise said...

Praying with you my friend.

Amanda said...

Great prayers!! I could use a prayer for this weekend.. I am praying that there is lots of sunshine! And no drama.

Blessings to you!'