Tuesday, August 25, 2009

As long as it is called Today: Christian home keepers (August)

Welcome to "As long as it is called Today" as we encourage one another as Christians. I hope you will join me each week on Tuesdays as we encourage each other in our daily lives as Christians, spouses, parents, and home keepers. Today our focus is on Christian home keepers.

Here is the link to last week's question.

Today's question: What do you prepare for breakfast at your house?

My answer: Caleb doesn't like to eat the minute he gets up, his Mommy is the same way! But if I don't eat I feel sick later in the day so I do eat, just not first thing. We eat cereal, toast, pudding, fruit, and "tricky dogs" (as Caleb calls them, they are pancake wrapped sausages).
Have a good day.


Amanda said...

For breakfast we usually do an all natural health bar... but when the kids will let me, I make eggs and pancakes. Most mornings they just want their bar!

In Light of the Truth... said...

Let's see, I guess I make about anything! Cereal, oatmeal, waffles, pancakes, eggs/toast, french toast.

Denise said...

Toast and scrambled eggs.

Karen said...

Just wanted to stop by and say hi! Sorry I haven't been around recently. It's been really busy and then my blog was temporarily down for about a week. Thank goodness my blog is back up! Yay!

Anyway, for breakfast we typically try to do things like oatmeal, hot cereal, cream of rice, and eggs during the week. Sometimes I make whole grain pancakes or make a breakfast wrap. On the weekends we get to "splurge" and we have cereal or something quick and easy.

This is our typical routine. However, there are sometimes when cereal gets served up during the week. But that's usually not the norm.

Hope you're having a great week!