Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"Yes" Mom Challenge!

Jill Savage has issued a "Yes" Mom Challenge for the month of July. You can read more about it on her post here. I loved her idea and wanted to share it with you. So many times I find myself saying no when there really is no reason to not say yes! This month I've already found times when I say "okay, yes you can do that" when I was thinking first "no" in my head.

As Jill mentions in her post so many times when we do say no it's selfishness on our part and keeps our kids from enjoying something--it might be messy, time-consuming, etc. This is not saying yes to anything and everything or having an anything goes attitude. This challenge is simply a way to remind us as Mom's to say yes and let our kids do some fun things when we're tempted to say no!

This challenge has been a great reminder to say yes! If you leave a comment on her blog of being a "yes" Mom this month, you'll be entered in a drawing.

Also, be sure to check out the review in the post below this one about Jill Savage's great book Real Mom's...Real Jesus.


Kristi said...

That book looks incredible, and the new one that they just completed too. Thanks for the link!

Karen said...

Thanks for sharing this with us. I'm going to check it out!

Hope you having a great day!

Ronel said...

I have been working on this myself and it is hard sometimes yet I am reminded often that really what is it going to hurt to say yes!!

Denise said...

Hey sweetie, sending love and hugs your way.

sister sheri said...

I often try to say yes... sometimes it surprises my son... and if I say yes twice in a row, he thinks he has super powers over me!