Friday, April 3, 2009

What is your song?

It was a blessing to hear Sandi Patty sing as well as share from her heart at Women of Faith.

One thing she spoke about keeps playing over and over in my head. She talked about the role music has always played in her life. As a child it was something that brought her attention and made people like her. Eventually she realizes she lost her song though. She continued to share about a scientist, Dr. David Deamer, and his research with DNA. She compared the DNA to a slinky. The waves of the DNA strand make music. My simple brain doesn't understand it, and I'm probably not even explaining it clearly for that matter. But I do know that every person has a different, unique DNA strand. So that means each one of us have DNA that is a different song. Isn't that wonderful! We aren't all the same, and God never intended for us to be like everyone around us. (In trying to figure out how to put this into words, I found a site that has examples of DNA music. Interesting!)

What is your song? Are you proud of that song that is you, or are you trying to copy someone else's song because you think they sound better? You are special. God made you for this time and place for a reason. You have been put here on purpose. Do you realize there is no one else like you and no one else can do the role you are doing? You may feel insignificant or feel that your song doesn't matter. God gave you your talents and abilities to use for Him to fulfill a purpose. Have you lost your song? Have you been hurt and aren't even sure what your song is? God can renew you and help you find the song He gave you again. Are you sharing your song with others? The song you've been given needs to be shared. The people in your lives may be able to hear and receive your song when others have been unable to reach them. Live your life in such a way that others can hear the song God gave you.
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14


Denise said...

Amen, such a wonderful start to my day sweet friend.

Marsha said...

Bethany, this is an AWESOME post! You could start devotional writing right now with this one, girl! I'm gonna mark this one to read again later.

I'm gonna go listen to some DNA music now.

Have a blessed day.

Alleluiabelle said...

Awesome post. I love music. When I put the headphones on, each word, tone just everything seeps into and saturates my being. I am proud of the song that God made me to be and it is always my desire to play it for all to hear in my writing. Hopefully it will seep in and saturate the souls of those who are reading it.

Thank you for an insightful post.


Amanda said...

i needed this

a lot

Karen said...

Interesting food for thought! Thank you.

Debbie Petras said...

It sounds like you learned much at the Women of Faith Conference. I never really heard it said quite this way but it makes sense to me. I love that you wrote "live your life in such a way that others can hear the song God gave you." That strikes a cord with me. People may not enjoy hearing me sing (believe me, lol) but I do have a song He's given me. Thanks for these words of encouragement.

susansspace said...

Beautiful post, Bethany!
Have a great weekend!

Traveler said...

Great blog! Love the background!!

sister sheri said...

Great inspirational thoughts!