Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Are you ready?

We have been hearing for months now that we need to be ready for the end of analog broadcasts as of February 17. For those of us who do not have new digital TV's we are supposed to buy a converter box. We received our government issued coupons for $40 off a converter box. I found them on sale at Target a few weeks ago so we bought one box for $5.

Last night we heard on the news that the date may be moved back to June because people may not be ready for the conversion, meaning they don't have their converter boxes. It appears that the Senate approved the delay Tuesday. We've been hearing about this change for years. It's already been delayed a year, the change was supposed to happen February 2008 and got postponed to February 2009. This time there was a big mess about the government issued coupons apparently. How much is it going to take for people to wake up and be ready? It makes me wonder if it will ever really happen!

It makes me think of our spiritual lives. How many times do people say they don't have time to change their lives for Jesus now? They say they'll do that tomorrow or next week or next year.
Really though we have to be ready at all times for Christ's return. We don't need to be waiting around, saying I'll do that later and keep putting off salvation and living for Him. We've been told all our lives He is coming. We can't postpone it from happening as the Senate can postpone the television conversion. He's coming. Make sure you are ready.
"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come." Matthew 24:42


Denise said...

Awesome post my friend, so true.

Anonymous said...

I get so annoyed at this government and their indecisiveness! Geepers Creepers!
But I loved your analogy!

HEATHER said...

Great post and right on!!!!
Have a Blessed Day!!!!

Amanda said...

Right on Bethany!! That was a great line of thinking... and you hit the nail right on the head. Praise our King!

Many blessings-

Kathy said...

I read somewhere that people on that plane that went down in the Hudson River were praying Jesus forgive me of my sins. It's amazing how important Jesus becomes when it looks like it's the end.

Debra Kaye said... truer words have I seen today!

Blessings to you sweet are in my prayers! ((hugs))

Marsha said...

Oh Amen, Bethany!

We can need to be ready. Just this evening I was talking with my folks about the importance of keeping short accounts with each other and our loved ones because we have no guarantees for a next breath.

Blessings to you, my friend.