Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What's on your "to do" list?

Do you feel busy and that you have a to do list a mile long? I was feeling that way and then read about a few others feeling the same way today. What is it about this time of year that gets so busy so fast?

When we got back from Thanksgiving, I realized the long list of stuff I want to get accomplished in the coming days. I know me and know I have to be careful to not become overwhelmed when the list is long. I decided I needed to start a physical list so I can see what needs to be done. Are you a list maker? It helps me to see it written down and then be able to cross things off as they are accomplished. I think I feel this way every year at the beginning of December when I think about what I need to do. It isn't a bad feeling really. I enjoy the things on the list and look forward to doing each one--writing our Christmas letter, addressing Christmas cards, making candy treats, shopping, wrapping gifts, decorating, etc. I really love these things. It is why I look forward to this time of year. But if I'm so worried about getting everything done, am I enjoying the season and what it's really about?

Why is it at this time when we remember our Savior came to the world as a baby that our schedules are so cram packed? I think all the things that fill up the December calendar are beneficial things. We have to be extra careful though during this time not to get so wrapped up in these things that we lose our focus. Is it really going to matter in five years if you didn't find the perfect gift for someone on your list? Is anyone going to remember that your gifts weren't wrapped with precise perfection? Some things that take so much of our time and energy aren't really worth it. Stop and consider how you're spending your time and what things are really priorities for you and your family. I read one time that during this time of year, we should ask ourselves how we want our kids (and spouses) to remember about us during the holidays. Will they remember making special holiday memories with us or will they remember a home of anger and stress?

What do you do to keep yourself calm and remembering the meaning of the season?
"All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: 'The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel'—which means, 'God with us.'" Matthew 1:22, 23


Debra Kaye said...


I loved this! I want my family to remember the love of the season...not Mom being a stressed out mess! Good reminder, my friend!

Hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

I'm not a list maker. My Hubby is. He is very organized. I wish I was and I have tried, but it is just not me. I organize things in my head, but that's as far as it gets. I do forget something occasionally but I think I get the important things done. Our Christmas shopping has really been easy the last few years because we order almost everything online. I agree, it is easy to get so caught up in the trappings of Christmas that many people forget what it is really all about - Jesus.

sister sheri said...

I make sure to continue in a Bible Study over Christmas. Our Ladies' Bible Study takes a break from Thanksgiving to mid-January. I have to have to have to stay in the Word... or I will fall apart!

Denise said...

This was a great post, be blessed.