Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Looking back at 2008....

At the end of 2007 I posted a list of goals for 2008. I have remembered these throughout the year and wanted to post a year end recap for reference for myself.

So here is my list I typed last year with how I did written after each one.
--spend more time in prayer. I have kept a prayer list this year, and this has been beneficial. I also have cards that I pray something different for my husband and son each day. I still want to work more on this in 2009 of praying the Word in my prayers.
--verse memorization with Caleb. We've memorized verses, this isn't something I keep in a list (although that's a good idea!). I can't really say what we've memorized since this time last year!
--read with my husband. We don't read much at night. We did this off and on through the year. Right now we are working through Financial Peace University and do that on Thursday nights.
--read through the Bible. My husband and I have done this. (More on this in another post)
--book reading. My list will come to 45 books read this year. My goal was 50. I did read a book for continuing ed. credit and also read a biography (which I LOVED).
--continue going to the food pantry. Check! We were much more consistent in arriving at 8. We missed a couple times but I was pleased with this aspect of my goal list.
--our budget. I am happy we have stuck with our plan for the most part. Since my husband is coordinating the FPU class at our church beginning next month, we have redone our budget and been recharged in our intensity.
-be faithful in my exercising. This one hasn't happened. I have always struggled with this. I tried different times and different ways of exercising, but I got to the point of feeling like I was dreading it because I was missing something else like time with my son. I didn't like that feeling or feeling rushed and forcing myself to do it.

I will be looking ahead to 2009 later this week.
"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10


Debra Kaye said...


You do love to read, don't ya! I used to read like that too...now, I mainly stick to the Bible and just a few other books throughout the year.

I'm glad you have been able to stick to your budget. That is just awesome, my friend. And reading through the Bible is wonderful.

Be blessed this New Year, my friend. I'm a richer person for being your bloggy friend. God bless you!

Marsha said...

Your such an inspiration! You read so much! And FPU, too! Hubby and I are both facilitators for that. Hubby wants to take the training they offer to get on their 'list' of people they refer folks to.