Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thankful Thursday (Thanksgiving Edition)

At a time when the nation and world are struggling with sever economic hardships, it is with a thankful heart I pause to celebrate my blessings.

I have the grace of my Savior and rest in the hope I have in Him.
I have the friendship, love, and companionship of my amazing husband.
I have an amazing little boy who calls me Mommy.
I have a family that cares for me.
I have real life and Internet friends who share my "raindrop & rainbow" days.
I have food to prepare and eat.
I have air to breathe.
I have a car to travel from place to place.
I have the privilege of being a stay-at-home Mom.
I have the ability to share God's love with others through volunteering.
I have five senses to use to enjoy the world around me.
I have good health.
I have cherished memories of loved ones I miss this Thanksgiving.
I have radio and CD's to listen to music that encourages my soul.
I have book shelves full of books and a library card to borrow more.
I have clean water to drink.
I have air conditioning in the summer and a heater for the winter.
I have a home where I am safe.
I have a friendly church family.
I have the freedom to worship God.
I have clothes to wear and shoes for my feet.
I have technology I enjoy, like the cell phone, Internet, and digital camera.
I have the beauty of God's creation all around me wherever I go.
I have "extra pleasures," like hot fudge sundaes, Chick-fil-a, and raspberry lemonade.
I have modern conveniences like indoor plumbing and electricity.
For these things and many more, I give thanks.

If you'd like to participate in Thankful Thursday on this wonderful Thanksgiving day, join us at Iris' place, Grace Alone.
"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever." Psalm 136:1 (Read all of this beautiful Psalm here.)


Denise said...

May you have a beautiful Thanksgiving.

Debbie Petras said...

I had to chuckle at your "real life" friends and internet friends. I'm also thankful for internet friends that I've met through blogging. Since I've been working from home, you've all been such a blessing to me. Thanks for sharing your list and happy Thanksgiving to you.

Kathy said...

Hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving!!

Michele Williams said...

Wonderful blessings! Happy Thanksgiving.

sister sheri said...

Happy Thanksgiving!