Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Stamp Out Hunger

I added a widget on my blog to remind you of the Stamp Out Hunger food drive. I always seem to forget about this food drive until it is too late. This year I'm going to remember and want you to remember as well!

Let me share a little story with you. Since June 2007 (hard to believe it's nearly been a year), Caleb and I have been volunteering at the local food pantry. We started when the church kids group went for their June activity last year for a service project. We go on Wednesday mornings to help bag the groceries. There are two rows of food, row A and row B. Row A items include: a meat item (tuna, etc.), tomato sauce, green beans, refried beans, corn, some other veggie or soup usually, applesauce/fruit, crackers, Minute Rice, and a miscellaneous item. Row B items include: cereal, tomato product, soup, peanut butter, rice, dry beans, spaghetti, applesauce/fruit, and a miscellaneous item. These may vary from week to week depending on what comes on the shipment. After the sacks are made and put on the shelves we bag produce. We've bagged a variety of things like oranges, corn on the cob, yams, peaches, and apples. Then on Thursday mornings the sacks and produce are passed out to those needy who come. Caleb and I do not volunteer on Thursdays; one Thursday we were asked to come help bag some extra produce. It was quite an experience to see the faces of the people coming to pick up the food. To see the people really touched my heart as I explained to Caleb why they were coming and how they were getting the sacks of food to take home. As we're bagging the food I think about the people who will get the bags. I wonder to myself: What if they don't like this flavor of cereal? What if they don't have any meat to go with this box of Hamburger Helper? Maybe the person who gets this sack will be needing this cake mix to make a cake for a family member's birthday.

Everyone who works there just loves Caleb. There are some other children who come too sometimes. He is probably the youngest worker right now. The others are older and are home schooled so they can come during the school year. We'll have another crew who comes in the summer to help out. Caleb really does work too while he's there. He can push his own buggy now and fill sacks behind me. He carries the boxes to the recycle bin to be broken down. Recently he's started helping stock the bread on the shelves.

There are many times that a box on Row A and Row B will be empty because there just isn't enough money to buy the food to meet all the needs. Today we didn't have any canned meat in Row A to give out. We frequently run out of corn and soup. Hopefully, this food drive will be successful and the shelves of local pantries can be restocked.

I didn't want to post this to talk about myself but to share something that has become very dear to my heart. I ask you to remember the food drive Saturday. Also, please pass on this information to your friends and family or post it on your blog to spread the word and remind people to participate. You can find out more information at the Stamp Out Hunger website. I know that finances are tight for everyone now it seems, but please consider giving a can or two by your mailbox Saturday. I plan to make a call to my local post office to make sure they are participating. Sometimes we get a postcard about the food drive but so far have not this year.

Blessings to you!

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