Saturday, November 17, 2007

Sick in the night

Caleb got sick last night starting about 2:45 and then two more times, each an hour apart. He has never thrown up before except one time after eating and it was a one time thing. I felt so terrible for him. This morning he is totally fine and running around acting normal. Daddy and I are both tired out, but we're okay and glad he's fine. We guess he either ate too much or it was caused by something he ate.

When he was in the middle of his sickness the first time, he was crying and it was making me cry. But I knew I had to be calm for Caleb's sake. He was crying out Momma, Momma. It made me feel so special when in the midst of the sickness Caleb wanted me. Of everything he could cry for he was saying my name. I remember when I was sick as a child I felt the same way. It gave me a little glimpse of how God feels (as Beth Moore wrote about on her blog recently) when we cry out to Him and call His name. It also made me think of all those Mom's who watch their children suffer through cancer or other illnesses and how their hearts must feel to see the children go through so much day after day.

I had some plans for this morning that didn't get done, but none of that really matters. We are just really glad our boy is happy and having fun playing this morning.
"Hear my cry for mercy as I call to you for help, as I lift up my hands toward your Most Holy Place. " Psalm 28:2


Aunt Angie said...

I love that verse in Psalm...and you are right...there is a time when we must lay aside what we want to do for the sake of our little ones! It hurts so much to see them suffer and a sickness like that they completely don't understand...I hope Caleb is feeling much better.
God bless you!

Kathy said...

I hope he's still feeling better!