Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Caleb's Thankful list

We made one of these lists last year in the journal notebook I keep for Caleb. It was cute once again to hear his thoughts. Some were off the top of his head, and some he'd look around the room and say something he saw! We've been adding to this list the past several days. I am not sure if he is done or not!

Thank You, God, for.....

transportation, Jesus, God, toast, trees, clothesline pole, ketchup, grass, rainbows, houses, planets, chairs, tables, Daddy, Caleb, Mommy, outside play, "Trust and Obey" (he loves that song!), pillows, jet, people, fire, juice, chicken nuggets, jeep, lawn mowers, pens, popcorn, Gramma, Tate, De-iss, puppy, drinks, Uncle Charles/Aunt Krystal, Grandad, PawPaw, Mimi, Uncle Cody, Aunt Laurie, Aunt Steph, clothes, Sugar, Jayden, Aunt Pam, Tim, Chell-belle, Sis, clothes.

"God is the sunshine that warms us, the rain that melts the frost and waters the young plants. The presence of God is a climate of strong and bracing love, always there." Joan Arnold

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