Tuesday, September 11, 2007


How can I not pause today to remember this day 6 years ago, a day that forever changed our country? Do you remember what you were doing? JMP and I talked about it last night. I'll always remember walking my kids out of our little portable building classroom to head to another class. Another teacher told me on the sidewalk. While the kids were gone, I tried to find out more information. I remember trying to keep teaching a lesson on the parts of a plant when they came back. I knew not to give them information or act like anything was wrong because I didn't want to upset them. I was also thinking of what questions they'd have the next day after they saw all the television coverage that night at home and how I was supposed to answer those when I had so many myself. At the end of the day I remember gathering with my fellow teachers and praying for our country and the families impacted by the tragedy. That moment made me thankful to work for such a wonderful principal and live in a country where we could gather to pray. This song has been in my head all day as I remember back to that day.

I remember that feeling of needing to do something to help. Tragedy can bring out the best (or worst) in people. It made me proud to see how everyone around the country pulled together at this time. It makes me wonder how much has changed since that day. Another thought I had was how we really should be living to the fullest each day. Days like this are good reminders of that I think.

I'm thankful to live here in this country. I'm thankful for our freedoms and our troops. I pray for our leaders as they make decisions. I pray for our country and our protection. God bless America.
"My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." Exodus 33:14

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