Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A garage visitor!

As JMP left this morning I left the garage door up because I knew Caleb and I would be following behind shortly. As I open the door out to the garage, I hear the rustling of a Walmart sack. (I'd gathered up a bunch yesterday for the recycle bin.) I looked down and look what I saw...........

Can you tell what that is? It looks better enlarged on the screen! Caleb hadn't seen it yet at this point. He knew something was out there though because I kept moving around and was making funny noises. I called JMP, but he wasn't at his desk so I took a picture of the visitor. I told Caleb what it was, which made him scared. There was a long box by the door so I was trying to get the frog moving towards outside. It hopped along and hopped onto one of JMP's boots he wears to mow. Then he called back and I lost it....I thought it was down in the boot. I went outside and looked and he'd already hopped into the driveway. I decided to back up the car so Caleb wouldn't have to go into the garage. He was still scared so I carried him out. We waved good-bye to the frog. We talked about it all morning. He told me about the last time we saw a frog, which was probably a year ago at least. He was looking for it as he cautiously got out of the car. I told him I'm sure it has gone home by now!
"We learn by practice. Whether it means to learn to dance by practicing dancing or to learn to live by practicing living, the principles are the same.... One becomes in some area an athlete of God." Martha Graham

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love that kind of visitor. Too bad it made Caleb scared though!