Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Today is August 1.

I guess that is a very profound title, huh?

This day always brings me such a mix of emotions. It has for the past several years. This month holds many special days for my family, both happy and sad. My older cousin passed away on Aug. 12, 2002. Our first baby's due date was August 6, 2003. I also had an uncle that passed away in August. The 23rd would have been Peepaw's 78th birthday. So all month I am remembering many special people. The sweetness comes in that August 12 we'll celebrate Caleb's 3rd birthday. I'll be writing more on this in the upcoming days I'm sure. August 1 is always a hard day for me. I specifically remember the hurt of my heart in 2003, missing our first baby.

Thankfully, today I didn't feel the sadness I've felt on this day in past years. I felt blessed to go with my happy boy to the food pantry and library this morning. Then we had lunch with one of my sweet teacher friends. I hope you have had a joyful day as well!

"As salt preserves food so Christians with their godly characters preserve society from moral decay. Christians who live after godly principles are a light that brings hope to a world that is lost in darkness." --Roger Dickson

1 comment:

Sarah said...

What a bittersweet month for you. I will be thinking of you and praying for you this month. Take care and hug that little boy of yours! :)