Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Things to do this week

We are having a nice week catching up at home. JMP was so nice to help get the laundry done and put up so I didn't have to do that all day on Monday. Today was our "Walmart day." Since we were gone last week and have a birthday party this weekend, our buggy was much fuller than usual. This evening the boys played outside and also some games inside when they got too hot. I got to finish up an online continuing ed. class. Wednesday we're going to the food pantry, library, and lunch with a friend. I have some things to get ready for the birthday party too.

Today I have some prayer requests to share as well.

Our paper had a story today about a local five year old girl killed riding an ATV with her grandmother.

Another 9 year old girl (granddaughter of a friend) is at Cook's hospital with injuries from a bicycle accident. Pray for her recovery and the family as they are in the middle of a move now too.

A sweet lady from our church had a stroke.

"Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification." Romans 14:19

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oops! Thanks for the continuing ed reminder. I'll go look right now. :)