Sunday, August 26, 2007


We had a wonderful weekend at Gramma's. It was nice to have nothing very pressing on the agenda! Caleb and Gramma stayed very busy though making lots of memories and having great fun. They fixed welcome back notes for the teachers at Gramma's school, drove the "tractor," painted a ladder chair, shucked corn, played in the sprinkler, and cut out, baked and frosted cookies. It's always nice to go and relax a bit. When we get home, we always feel refreshed. Another nice thing is coming home with delicious leftovers that we can have for supper this week.

Here is the ladder chair Gramma made for Caleb. He helped her paint it green, and they finished the painting this weekend. We had to take the "big truck" to bring it home! Caleb is so proud of it.

Here are some of the cookies. Gramma just happened to have transportation cookie cutters. Here you can see a bus, car, plane, boat, and train. We all had fun frosting them.

Hope you have a good week. All of the teachers and students will be in my prayers this week as you start back to school!
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5, 6

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Sounds like a lovely time! Glad you had a good visit.