Monday, August 27, 2007

3 year check-up

We took Caleb this morning for his 3 year check-up. I was nervous because I didn't know how he'd react. He's never sick (thankfully) so has rarely been to the doctor. There are only a couple times I can think of that he's been besides his "well baby checks": with his eczema and when we were on vacation we had him tested for strep when I was sick.

In the past he's been very anxious about doctors, and he would get upset as soon as we would go
into the room to be measured and weighed. He did so well at the visit in San Antonio I was really hoping that today would be another positive experience for him so we opted to wait on getting the Hep A immunizations for another time.

Today we pulled up to the office building, and he asked if Daddy was sick or needed a check-up? We went in with "Frank" along, Caleb said he wanted to ride on his shoulders. I could tell he was getting nervous as we sat down. He asked if I was sick and I said no we're just having Caleb get a check-up today. I kept talking, and they called us back really soon. The nurse asked about his turtle so I told him to let her shake Frank's hand. Then Caleb told her his name. He didn't want to take his shoes off to measure at first but then did after Frank got measured. He is 37 pounds and 39 1/2 inches! The nurse said he'd be taller than Mommy before too long!

As we waited for the doctor he kept telling us I want to leave now. I told him it wouldn't take long and then we'd leave. He did well with the doctor, shook his hand and said nice to meet you. He checked Frank and then checked Caleb. At the end the doctor gave him a sticker. When he asked if we had any questions, I asked Caleb if he wanted to say anything and he told him transportation. It was funny because the doctor didn't know what he was talking about. I explained about our lessons.

Hooray for such a great appointment and a healthy, happy boy!
"Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you." Psalm 9:10


Sarah said...

Sounds like he did a great job. I know you're proud of him. Good call on keeping it low key this time around.

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