Friday, August 3, 2007

Party preparations

Tomorrow we're having a "Bob the Builder" birthday party at the park for Caleb with his friends from church. I'm really excited about this. The past two years we've had only a family birthday, so this will be a new experience. In my planning I found many cute construction themed games we could play. However, since we'll have mainly 2 and 3 year olds, I think we'll just have fun playing on the playground instead of structured games. We'll save those for another year!

My wonderfully talented Mom made the cutest saw, hammer, and screwdriver cookies to put in the favor sacks. (Yes, they are Bonnie cookies!) She made cupcakes too, and we put little pictures of Bob and his crew on top. I'll have to take some pictures tomorrow to share.

I think we have everything ready. We'll just need to load up in the morning and head to the park! I hope the weather is nice. We do have a back up plan just in case.
"Be such a person, and live such a life, that if every one were such as you, and every life a life such as yours, this earth would be God's paradise." Phillips Brooks

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