Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Online continuing ed. course

Today I finished another continuing ed. course online. The training was through ISafe. This was an informative training for me for the most part. There were sections that were repetitive of each other, but I enjoyed it mostly.

It was alarming to hear the stories of online predators, identity theft, and cyber bullying. Several parents shared personal stories of how their children were killed due to Internet activities. As a parent and educator I see the value of programs such as these. Parents and students need to be aware of the dangers that do exist online. One point was made that just as we set guidelines for our children in their physical world, we must also set guidelines for the online world.

This course really opened my eyes to the dangers out there. We may think "that would never happen to us" but in reality it can and does happen to "regular" people everyday.

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a gift to be enjoyed.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I've enrolled in it; now I just need to take it...