Friday, August 31, 2007

I love my clothesline!

It has brought happiness to my heart to use the clothesline the past two weeks. I've only used the dryer once in that time.

I feel more productive with my days for some reason when I hang the clothes out to dry. I don't know why. I noticed the first week how the days just flowed better for some reason.

It seems easier and faster to put the clothes up quickly when I take them off the line. Maybe it's because they aren't all wadded up in little balls in the basket and they go on the hangers easily.

I feel happy too to save some energy. I doubt we'll notice any difference in our electric bill but over time it might be interesting to watch.

It is nice to be out and enjoy the fresh air. I have actually enjoyed it much more than I thought I would! It's been hot, but the breeze is nice.

I have two lines strung up now and need to add lines. A couple times I've completely filled up the two lines. We have more line and there are two more sets of holes, so I'll get JMP to do that this weekend.

Caleb enjoys helping with the clothes. His fun is running through them as they blow and hiding from me in them. Aside from the first day not wanting his tractor pillowcase on the line, he has been fine with anything else I've hung.

I had a first this morning. I saw something on the bottom of a pair of Caleb's jeans. I looked closely and realized it was bird poop. That thought had never crossed my mind since I've been hanging out the clothes. It made me laugh, but I didn't tell Caleb. I didn't want him to worry about it.

Have a nice and safe Labor Day weekend!
"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6

1 comment:

Sarah said...

hooray! I'm glad it's working so nicely for you.