Monday, August 20, 2007

Back to School

No, I'm not going back to the classroom, but it is time for school to start again. I have told JMP that I must have "teacher blood" because it just feels like that time of year, and it actually makes me excited (weird I know!).

I absolutely love to see all the rows and rows of school supplies in the stores. I can never help looking at them (or buying something!) I just can't pass up the 20 cent glue sticks or 10 cent spiral notebooks.

As many of you know, Caleb and I do "lessons." We started them last year at this time and continued consistently (for the most part) through the year. We weren't very consistent though in the summer with our various extra activities. Now we are starting up again. I pick themes and change themes every two weeks. We don't do one every day because some days are full of other things like going to the grocery store or library.

The themes I've picked to start with include: transportation, outer space, safety, and continuing through the ABC's. I enjoy finding books for the themes at the library. Then I get more ideas and patterns from the Internet.

I'm excited about this, and it makes me even more happy to see Caleb's excitement as he learns new things.
"Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes." Psalm 37:7

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Every time I go down the back-to-school aisle I end up buying the crayons and glue that are only 20 cents. Every single time. I'm trying to avoid that aisle now...