Thursday, March 13, 2025

Thankful Thursday

It’s our spring break week and today is my husband’s birthday. 

Today I am thankful for…
~ celebrating my husband today. I’m so thankful he was born on this day 2 weeks after me.  He’s such a blessing. 

~ seeing my fire fighter giving a talk at a “touch a truck” event at the library. It was so unexpected and unplanned for us to be there at the same time. It made my Mama heart proud to see him interacting with the kids and talking to their parents. 

~ my DIL saving me a bowl of the white chicken chili she made. It was yummy!  

~ having my boy home on his spring break. We played bingo and hunting-opoly one day. 

~ seeing family at our niece’s 2nd birthday. 

~ having 2 offers on our house this week and signing a contract. 

~ having our house clean and ready to show and making progress in the new house. 

Have a day of blessings! 

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