Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. How did you meet your significant other? If you don't have a significant other, tell us how you met your best friend.  

We met our freshmen year at ACU (Abilene Christian University).  We ate meals in The Bean with a group of friends and that's how we met.  He asked me to be his Valentine on February 13, 1998.

2. It's Department Store Day (October 16) you still shop in department stores? If not do you miss that kind of shopping experience? Do you have a favorite department store? Any fun memories of department store shopping when you were a child? 

 do go in Kohl's occasiaonly.   I remember as a child when we would travel out of town to Abilene and go to Sears.  I thought the escalator was so fun.  

3. Something you're currently nuts about? 

Getting in time for more movement/exercise.  This has been my goal for a while.  I have a different schedule everday so it's been hard to be consistent.  I walk our neighborhood sometimes.  But I have found online videos on YouTube I enjoy as well.  It has become enjoyable to me which surprises me because it is not something I've ever enjoyed or made a priority.    

4. What's your favorite nut and is there a favorite recipe where this nut is used? 

I like to eat cashews plain.  I don't have a recipe with that nut.  

5. On Wednesday we officially reach the '70 days until Christmas' mark. Have you purchased any gifts? If you don't celebrate Christmas then how about Hanukkah presents? 
Yes I have some gifts purchased.  I hide them in my closet.  I'm thinking what to get our son/DIL this year as they don't have a lot of space and have so many new things from wedding gifts they are using.  So I've been pondering that.  

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

There was a chill in the air this morning and the high is supposed to be 69 today. 
My son's school is having a homecoming shoe box float parade.  He has been working on his.  It's been a fun project to do together.  I'll have to post a picture when he is done.  I've never heard of this before but searched online and found several ideas.  Have you ever had a shoe box float parade?    
Have a day of blessings!


Joyce said...

I've never heard of a shoebox parade but it sounds like such a cute idea. Unless I'm picturing it wrong. Do share a photo afterwards. I've got gifts stashed in my closet too. I have to go through it periodically or I forget what I've purchased. Have a nice day!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's so sweet how you met and that he asked you to be his Valentine. I need to start going back to Kohl's. Good for you on exercising. Good for you having a few presents. Looking forward to seeing his project done. I've never heard of one of those parades before.

ellen b. said...

It's been fun to read how hodgepodgers met their husbands. That shoe box float parade sounds like fun. Happy Hodgepodge to you!

Debby said...

Aww, a Valentine proposal! How romantic.
I haven’t even thought of Christmas yet - usually I’m much more organized. I’m slipping in my old age.