Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Oxford's Word of the Year for 2023 is 'rizz'. Hmmm...before today had you ever heard the word? Do you know what it means? (Apparently it's short for charisma) Have you ever used the word? If you were in charge of the world, what word would you declare word of the year for 2023?
No I am not familiar with this word at all.  It's interesting to me there is such a thing as "word of the year." 

2. What's one word you tend to abbreviate in your writing or speech? (as in rizz for charisma)

I abbreviate a lot when I'm writing...appt. is one I shorten all the time for appointment. 

3. Are you a Hallmark movie watcher this time of year? What's your favorite character from a holiday- themed movie, book, or TV special? 

No I don't watch Hallmark movies.  I don't watch much TV. I did see DVDs of Hallmark movies at the library this week but didn't check any out.

Our tradition is to watch a cartoon called "Noel." He's a cute little red ornament.  It's on YouTube now.  We had a VHS tape of it, but it's messed up so I was glad to find it on YouTube.

4. Something you look forward to eating this month? 
Christmas cookies my Mom makes every year and the other little treats she makes.

5. What's the most stressful part of the holiday season for you? 

I've learned to make a list of the things I want to make sure I do and have let go of doing things that don't mean as much to me.  I guess the most stressful part is all the "extra" that is in the house and hidden right now and getting it out to the right people at the right time...for example, teacher gifts, things for class party, cards for husband's coworkers, family gifts, etc.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We  have had a huge range of emotions the past few weeks.  The close friend of my oldest son died last Sunday at the age of 19.  He'd battled cancer for 3 years.  Wes was such a blessing to all of us.  His love for Jesus was evident to those around him.  We went to his service on Saturday, it was a beautiful service done by his Dad, brothers and grandfather.  We miss him but are thankful for the hope we have and knowing he is healed in Heaven with Jesus.  Pray for his family.

Have a day of blessings! 


Joyce said...

I'm so sorry for the loss of your son's friend. I lost a friend at that age and it has stayed with me all of my life. What a comfort heaven is to us here on earth. Thinking of you all and the family of this young man.

Lisa said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your son's friend. It always hurts my heart to read about young people dying. It sounds like he lived a wonderful life.

Debby said...

Oh I'm so sorry to hear of the young man who passed. So sad for his family. I lost my son when he was 25, but that was 20 years ago. Its not a club I would wish for any mothToday marks 3 years since my 94-year-old FIL passed away. We sure do miss him.

Nice to meet you on this Hodgepodge. I enjoyed your answers.

ellen b. said...

We had a service for a dear friend this past Saturday, too. Praying for comfort for your son's friend's family.

Susan said...

So sorry for the loss of your son's friend. So sad when someone young dies. Glad he was a believer!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I enjoyed reading your answers and I'm glad you joined in this week. However, I am so sorry about the loss Caleb's friend. That is so sad. I will be praying for Caleb and the family. ((HUGS))