2. Something recently that had you on 'cloud nine'?
Buying fabric on sale! I never imagined I'd be excited about fabric.
3. Tell us about a time, circumstance, experience, or decision you made where the saying 'a stitch in time saves nine' proved true.
I can relate this to my quilting. If I rush I will most likely make a mistake which I will have to go back and fix later. This happened this week with a pillow I made. I don't know if I wasn't paying attention when I sewed it or went too fast....but I found a little hole as I was starting to stuff the pillow. I was glad I found it and could fix it before the pillow was completed so I could repair it.
4. A recipe you make that calls for exactly nine ingredients?
The first couple I looked at only had 6 ingredients. Ha!
I never put almonds in this one so for me it has 9....Chicken Salad.
And this is a cake we love that has 9 ingredients.... Chocolate Chip Pound Cake
These are cookies that Titus loves to make and are so delicious! Chocolate Chip Pudding Cookies
5. This coming Friday is Veterans Day in the US of A. Will you mark the day in some way? Are you a veteran? If you live outside the US does your country have a day dedicated to celebrating veterans? My husband is a government employee so he will be off. Our school has a special recognition for veterans in our community that I have gone to in the past. They have changed how they do this since COVID, but it was always a nice ceremony.
I am not a veteran.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I am starting to see the leaves change colors here on my drive around town.
Also, I'm glad we could vote yesterday. This was the first election our son was old enough to vote.
I enjoyed reading your answers today! Hope you have a great day!
If you are like me I”ll be glad when we can return to the pre covid days. If ever. It has robbed us of so much that we really did not realize how precious at the time.. like our children’s advancement in learning, etc. I am kind of glad that as a culture we have gone more casual. It’s better on the pocketbook, too.
We've had the prettiest fall I can remember in a long time. The leaves are really dropping now and we're supposed to get a lot of rain this weekend so that will probably be the end of the color. I'll miss it. Enjoy the rest of your week!
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