Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What about your upbringing are you most grateful for? There are many things I could say.  One thing that stands out is that I lived in the same house my entire childhood and went to the same school K-12th.

2. What are two or three things that bring you comfort? 
~being safe in my husband's arms

~ answers to prayers

3. Something beautiful you saw today? (or yesterday depending on when it is you're answering this question) 

I noticed the big planters of huge mums as I was going into the high school.  I didn't take a picture but noticed the blooms and different colors as I was walking inside, and it made me smile.

4. Have you ever used a typewriter? Tell us a memory associated with that. Yes.  My Mom had a type writer and she used it for a long time to type up the church bulletin each week.  

A memory I have is that our library used to have a couple of typewriters.  Caleb wanted to try one.  One day I let him and he thought it was so fun!  I always think of his excitement about that when he got to use the typewriter.  

5. Something you are grateful for today. 
My husband getting his first paycheck (he left his job 4 months ago and is back to working at his previous job now) so we went to the bank to get cash.  I'm thankful to have cash in my wallet now.  

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We had trunk or treat at our church on Sunday evening.  It was a beautiful evening and we had a good turnout.  I am glad we could help with this event in preparing the food.  And then we didn't have school on Monday (student holiday as we start a new six weeks).  That worked out well to have the day off after our late night Sunday.

Have a day of blessings! 


Lisa said...

I love that you lived in the same house for all of those years! I lived in the same town/same school system my whole life and lived almost all of those years in the same house. That is indeed something for which to be grateful!

Susan said...

Trunk N Trea is aways fun. We missed hosting a trunk this year as we are on vacation. That is nice that you had the security of living in the same childhood home!

Allstarme79 said...

I hear ya on #5; I started a new job where at least I know that amount will come in every month no matter what; I was doing online teaching and it was up and down and too unreliable. It's not a lot but at least it's there!

Joyce said...

Having the day after Halloween as a holiday makes a lot of sense. We enjoyed being with my daughter's family. The weather was wonderful! I feel like my own kids always had to trick or treat in frigid temps and you had to think of a costume you could wear a coat under. Happy fall!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I did too. I was in the same house from kindergarten through high school. Those are lovely comforts. The mums sound beautiful. I always enjoyed using a typewriter. So happy about the first paycheck. Glad the trunk and treat went well. Take care.

Kirstin said...

I enjoyed your answers this week. I always love the huge pots of mums at our local Costco. I might need to get a few.