Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. August 24th is National Waffle Day...what's something you've 'waffled' on recently? 
Where to go to eat is one that my husband teases me about from one of my first birthdays we were parents were taking us to eat and I kept changing my mind on where to go.  

2. Do you like waffles? Make your own or 'leggo my Eggo? Any favorite toppings or add-ins? Waffles or pancakes-which do you prefer? 
I do like waffles but they really mess with my blood sugar I guess if I eat them early in the day.  It makes me feel sick.  I do get hungry for them sometime.  I remember in college the waffle iron they had and I would make one for a meal sometimes, we'd get ice cream on top of them too.  Now I just like butter and syrup.  Maybe some fruit.  
I like waffles better.  

3. Do you have any momentos from this summer (or past summers)? What do you do with them? 
I bought a tshirt in Alaska for myself that I've been wearing throughout the summer.  I also found us a magnet for the fridge that I put with all our other trip magnets.  We got a Christmas ornament as well. 

4. One thing you'd like to do before summer ends? 
It feels like summer is over for me because school has started back!  

5. Life is too short to___________________________________. 

not show love and appreciation to loved ones every chance you get...I was reminded of how quickly life can change when on Friday night a couple was killed in a motorcycle accident.  They leave behind two high school aged children.  It is such a tragedy.  

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I made this Christmasy table topper over the weekend using this pattern.  It was very fun to make.  I have to quilt it and add the binding.  I'm proud of myself for learning new things and seeing progress in myself in what I can do.  

Have a day of blessings!


crackercrumblife said...

Your table topper is so pretty!!! Great job!

And we used to buy ornaments as well! I should start doing that again!

Lisa Howeler said...

That is such a shame about that couple. Yes, it is important to live life to the fullest.

I agree about the waffles...I like them better than pancakes but I actually don't eat either anymore for health reasons.

ellen b. said...

Bethany, that Christmas topper is so pretty. Congrats on your effort! Oh boy we never know what a day will bring, do we. Sad for those kids left behind. Hope the rest of your week goes well.

Tammy said...

I feel the same as you in #4. Our county started back August 2nd!! Summer is not over, but it seems to be when school resumes. Life can change in a blink of an eye.
Enjoyed reading your answers.

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Good job, you will enjoy that on your table during the holidays. Good answer to #5. Have a great rest of the week!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, ice cream sounds like it would be awesome on a waffle. That's a great idea getting an ornament on a vacation. You're right, we must show our love daily. I must remember to do that. Love your random!