Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Do you have a sister? Tell us something about her. If you don't have a sister, tell us about a friend who has been like a sister. Or tell us about a sister-in-law if you have one who is extra special. 
I'm an only child.  I do have a cousin who was born when I was in 3rd grade and we have always been close.  She was my maid of honor.  She made the long trip when our second son was born and stayed the night.  I remember her holding our baby boy and getting the sweetest picture and brushin my hair.  

2. Resister, assister, insister, persister...choose one of the words listed and explain how it relates to you and your life lately. 

Assister....We are on the fellowship committee at church.  We assist when we have family meals and family fun nights.  Tonight is an ice cream social....not much required to assist with this.  

3. Share a favorite song, book, movie, or television program that features sisters.
I always loved watching Full House and those three sisters (DJ, Stephanie and Michelle).  Also Little House on the Prairie was another favorite with Mary and Laura.  

4. August 3rd is national watermelon day...are you a fan? Do you like watermelon flavored candy? Besides eating the melon as is, do you have a good recipe made with watermelon? 
Yes watermelon is a favorite for me!  This summer our neighbor has given us part of hers (because she couldn't eat it all herself) a couple of times.  
Also I LOVE watermelon sweet tea!  I was kinda surprised I like it when I first tried it, but it is one of my favorites.  
I like watermelon flavored candy...maybe Jolly Ranchers?
I don't have any watermelon recipes, I will be interested to see what others share on this one.

5. 'Tis August...what are three things you're looking forward to this month? 
- celebrating my boy's 18th birthday next week!
- NOT being in charge of all the football stuff I was in charge of the past few years.  I do miss it but have other things to keep me busy and I'm glad for the break from that.
- finding out who my little guy will have for his 2nd grade teacher.  

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

August always brings so many emotions for me.  As I mentioned last week I wasn't sure how I would feel to have an August with no boy going to football practice every day or having football games to watch.  We talked about it and hearing his thoughts about it being over was helpful to me too. It was good to hear his perspective on the senior season and all the changes it brought. 
School will be starting soon!  Soaking up the time left with my little boy at home!

Have a day of blessings!



Joyce said...

My grandsons are meeting their first cousin in person today. I hope they grow up to be close friends. My cousins almost all lived on the other side of the country when I was growing up so we didn't have a lot of in person time together. We always had fun when we'd meet up at my grandparents, and now facebook has helped us connect as adults which has been nice.

Cathy said...

Enjoyed your answers and I hope you have a great August, even though it may be different than before.

crackercrumblife said...

I love Little House!

My kiddo is in second grade this year as well!

Have a great week. :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm glad you had your cousin to be close to. Full House is a great answer. Yes, I liked Jolly Ranchers too! Happy Birthday to Caleb. Hope you get a lot of snuggle time in August.

Kirstin said...

I'm so late in commenting on everyone's posts. I enjoyed your answers. Sending you hugs for the rest of your August. I felt that way when my girls were done with soccer after playing it from the time they were 4 until they graduated.